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Grandfather Who Dropped Toddler From Cruise Ship

Wrongful Death Case Against Royal Caribbean Cruises Heats Up

Grandfather Sues After 18-Month-Old Granddaughter's Death

The 11th Circuit Court of Appeal has sent the case back to the lower court for further proceedings.

In a tragic turn of events, an 18-month-old girl fell to her death while on a Royal Caribbean cruise ship in 2019. The grandfather, who was with the girl at the time of the incident, is now suing the cruise line for wrongful death.

The lawsuit alleges that Royal Caribbean was negligent in its duty to provide a safe environment for its passengers. The plaintiffs claim that the cruise line failed to properly supervise the children's play area and that the railings on the balcony where the girl fell were not high enough.

Royal Caribbean has denied any wrongdoing, and the case is currently pending in court. However, the 11th Circuit Court of Appeal recently sent the case back to the lower court for further proceedings, indicating that it believes there may be merit to the plaintiffs' claims.

The outcome of this case could have a significant impact on the cruise industry. If Royal Caribbean is found liable, it could set a precedent for other lawsuits against cruise lines.
